Our Beliefs
We are a Protestant, Reformed, and Evangelical church, holding to the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Confession & Creeds
We submit to the teaching of the Bible alone (Sola Scriptura), as capably reflected in the Westminster Standards. As a confessional church, we hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith. We also hold to the historic creeds—the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Definition of Chalcedon. Visit the link below to read the various creeds and confessions of the CREC.
Our Distinctives
We believe our worship should be firmly rooted in the Bible, and must be done according to Scripture. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament direct us in how we are to approach the living and true God in worship on the Lord’s Day.
We believe worship should be structured, joyful, disciplined, serious, reverent, and regimented. We believe that worship is a conversation with our Creator. Our worship is active and responsive—we participate in prayer, confession, singing, listening, reading the Bible, and table fellowship.
We do not believe that worship is a spectator event—but rather something in which we actively participate as a congregation. The truth of God will be proclaimed, and we will rejoice together!
Furthermore, we believe God truly blesses us as we participate in worship, and we long to gather as a body and receive those blessings.
We believe that God created man male and female after His own image, and that He created us distinctly masculine and feminine. These differences are not part of any cultural or social construct—they go all the way down to how we are designed by our Creator. This is part of God’s beautiful design which we celebrate.
We believe that God has designed marriage and the family to be fruitful—and we embrace the blessing of children. We want the best for our children, and view them as a blessing and heritage from the Lord. We believe fathers and mothers have a responsibility to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. They must seek to obey Christ and take this responsibility seriously, even if it requires great personal sacrifice.
We also believe that God has outlined a clear pattern for families in the Scriptures—and that this pattern helps us glorify and enjoy Him. The husband is to be the loving head, and the wife is called to be the respectful helper in submission to his authority. Children must be taught to love God while they honor and obey their parents. This pattern leads to flourishing in the home and our communities.
Additionally, we believe parents have an obligation to provide their children with a distinctively Christian education. Education is not neutral. Education is the responsibility of the family—not the government. Christian families might use home school, private Christian schools, or other distinctively Christian programs to fulfill this obligation.
We believe in fostering robust Christian community—community that goes beyond Sunday. We aim to serve one another, love one another, encourage one another, exhort one another, and bear one another’s burdens.
We believe our children are a part of the church, our covenant community. We view them as full participants in our gathering on the Lord’s day. We do not exclude members of our church from the corporate gathering of the church—we welcome our children into worship alongside us.
We are intentionally minimalistic—focusing on doing the essential elements of community well. We view the modern program-centric church structure as a distraction from real, authentic Christian community.
We also emphasize hospitality—welcoming one another into each others’ homes, breaking bread together, and sharing the Christian life together. We rejoice in God’s good gifts to our families, and long to celebrate His goodness together in fellowship.
We also do not believe that robust Christian community is confined within the walls of our homes and gathering places—Christians are to bring all of Christ into all of life. As such, we seek the good of our local community and nation. This means we seek meaningful involvement in local and civil affairs.
We want to invite others into fellowship with Christ, because this is what is best for our neighbors. Additionally, we desire to be industrious and productive members of our local economy—contributing in a meaningful economic way to our communities.
We believe doctrinal unity is essential in the local church, and as such, we are a confessional church. We are Protestant, Reformed, and Evangelical—and we believe the Bible to be the sole authority for how we live our lives.
By confessional, we mean that we believe holding to a historic, Reformed confession provides theological clarity—answering the fundamental questions of our faith and the Christian life with precision and evidence from Scripture.
We believe the Westminster Confession of Faith best represents our historic, Reformed beliefs. By this, we mean that we are covenantal in our theology, Calvinistic in our view of salvation, confessional in our shared beliefs, and convictional in how we live.