About Trinity Reformed Church

All of Christ, for All of Life, for All of Newnan

Our Church

Trinity Reformed Church is a mission church in the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC). We are located in Newnan, Georgia and are under the oversight of our planting church, Trinity Reformed Church in Huntsville, Alabama.

Our Denomination

The CREC is a communion of churches around the world that uphold and embrace the historic Christian creeds and confesssions. Each congregation holds to one or more confessional documents of the Reformation. Our current Presiding Minister is Pastor Uri Brito of Providence Church in Pensacola, Florida.

Our Presbytery

Trinity Reformed Church is a member of the Athanasius Presbytery, made up of CREC churches in the Southeastern United States. Our current Presiding Minister is Pastor Joe Thacker of St. Mark Reformed Church in Franklin, Tennessee.

Our Leadership

  • Thomas Countess


  • Jimmy Oliver


  • Grant Van Brimmer


  • Nathan Burns


  • Warren Oliver


  • Collier Pressnell


Our Constitution

In submission to Scripture, we confess the purpose of our church is glorifying God through reverent worship, proclaiming Christ to sinners, and building up our members through preaching the whole counsel of God and observing Christ’s sacraments. The Church is biblically and historically defined by her three marks: faithful preaching of the gospel, right administration of the sacraments, and the proper exercise of church discipline. To these ends, we establish the following constitution.